Natalie Braber and Jonnie Robinson (2018)
East Midlands English. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Natalie Braber (2018) Pit Talk in the East Midlands. In: N. Braber and S. Jansen (eds.) Sociolinguistics in England. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 243-274.

Natalie Braber and David Amos (editors) (2018) Songs and Rhymes from the Mines. An East Midlands View. Nottingham: Trent Editions.
Natalie Braber, Suzy Harrison and Claire Ashmore (2017) Pit Talk in the East Midlands. Sheffield: Bradwell Books.
David Amos and Natalie Braber (2017) Images of Coal Mining in the East Midlands. Sheffield: Bradwell Books.
Natalie Braber and Diane Davies (2016) Using and creating oral history in dialect research. Oral History 44(1), 98-107.
Natalie Braber (2015) Nottinghamshire Dialect. Sheffield: Bradwell Books.

Coal and Dialect in the Press
The Conversation, 6 September 2018
Pit Talk: The secret coal mine language that's now going extinct.
Radio 4, 20 May 2018
The project features in James Walker's documentary 'Tongue and Talk: The Dialect Poets'.
Left Lion, 15 May 2018
Nottingham dialect and mining culture documentary to be broadcast on BBC Radio 4

Bygones, Nottingham Post, 24 July 2017
Out of the mouths of coal miners
Left Lion, 24 April 2017
Miner David Amos and Linguist Natalie Braber on poetry in Pit Talk